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IE expo China 2018 Chinese biogas market on the upswing

Government determined to improve utilization of biogas – Starting from a so far low utilization level – Keen demand for components and technologies for medium-sized and large plants

  The Chinese biogas market still has “a lot of room on the upside“— this is disclosed in a target market analysis by Deutsche Auslandshandelskammer (AHK) Peking (German Chamber of Commerce Abroad in Beijing). According to the survey, the People’s Republic uses less than eight percent of its total biogas potential for energy generation. Hence, the improvement plans are ambitious: the Chinese National Energy Administration plans a rise of the biogas capacity from 19bn dry standard cubic meter (Nm³) in 2015 to 48bn Nm³ in 2020. It is above all centralized medium-sized and large projects that are being promoted. According to the AHK analysis, China still lacks the technologies required to safeguard the efficient operation of complex large-scale plants; as such, they see some potential in the supply of components, such as pumps and agitators, but also in the fields of measurement engineering and high technology systems for, e.g., the processing of biogas.

Excellent market opportunities for international technology suppliers

“In the environmental protection activities laid down in the current five-year plan of the Chinese government, biogas technology plays a key role”, said Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles. Nelles, who teaches Waste and Material Flow Management at Rostock University and who is the Scientific Director of the Leipzig-based Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (German Biomass Research Center) continues, “The focus is on the recycling of restaurant wastes, bio wastes from households, industry and trade collected separately as well as biogenic residues from agriculture and livestock breeding. This means excellent market opportunities in particular for German and European technology suppliers, which they should use without fail.”

Topic on IE expo 2018 in China

The coming IE expo China affords companies the opportunity to present their products and services to the business. The next event of Asia’s most important trade fair for environmental technology is held in Shanghai from May 3 to 5, 2018. Also, EnviTec Biogas, a German plant manufacturer is among the exhibitors, and this or the fifth time now. As Jörg Fischer, Managing Director of EnviTec Anlagenbau GmbH & Co KG puts it: “Due to its high number of visitors and the lasting interest in environmental technologies, the trade fair is a convincing platform for us as biogas all-round companies; the IE expo China is the perfect stage to show our entire portfolio.”

Rising demand for biogas processing

Among other, the company sees a rising Chinese demand for purified bio methane. Fischer adds: “The CNG market in the Chinese transport sector is growing steadily. Consequently, we see a higher demand for EnviThan, our biogas processing technology. EnviTec Biogas already sold two gas-processing plants with a capacity of 1,000 Nm³ each that are operated in the province of Shandong. Poultry manure provided by the world’s largest poultry farmer is processed to bio methane for a CNG station. In the northern province of Hebei, another plant with integrated gas processing is operated with cattle manure, corn stover and corn silage. The German specialist’s hitherto fourth project in China is being under construction.


 IE expo China 2018 | IFAT weltweit 2018Messe München 2018   

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