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Pope Francis: The Name of God is Mercy

The Name of God is Mercy, Pope Francis’ exploration on the universal theme of mercy, is a spiritual inspiration to both followers of Christianity and non-Christians around the world.

Drawing on his own experience as a priest and shepherd, Pope Francis discusses mercy, a subject of central importance in his religious teaching and testimony, and in addition sums up other ideas – reconciliation, the closeness of God – that comprise the heart of his papacy.

Written in conversation with Vatican expert and La Stampa journalist Andrea Tornielli, The Name of God is Mercy is directed at everyone, inside or outside of the Catholic Church, seeking meaning in life, a road to peace and reconciliation, or the healing of physical or spiritual wounds.

UK & Commonwealth rights to The Name of God is Mercy: A Conversation with Andrea Tornielli, by the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, were bought by Bluebird publisher Carole Tonkinson from Laura Casonato at Piemme.

In a “deep, simple and intimate dialogue”, Pope Francis is said to draw on his own experience as a priest and shepherd, talking to Vatican expert Andrea Tornielli about the subject of Mercy, central to his teaching and testimony. A book for anyone who is “looking for a meaning in life”, “a road to peace” or “healing to their physical and spiritual wounds”, the publisher said it is for those both inside and outside the church.

In the title, Pope Francis will also explain the reasons why he decreed 2016 a “Holy Year of Mercy”, also known as a jubilee year, called by the church to receive blessing and pardon from God and remission of sins. Bluebird will publish in hardback and e-book simultaneously with Piemme and other languages worldwide in January 2016.

Tonkinson said: “Pope Francis is a hugely inspirational figure for people of all faiths and none. I am thrilled that Bluebird will be spreading His Holiness’ message of mercy around the world.”

Pope Francis “The Name of God is Mercy” – order online!



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