28.12.2015 Cool roofs in China offer enhanced benefits during heat waves New Berkeley Lab study uses regional climate model to compare heat waves to normal summer conditions. [...]
23.12.2015 Global carbon emissions projected to decline in 2015 This year emissions could decline by 0.6 per cent, according to researchers of the Global Carbon [...]
23.12.2015 Climate study finds evidence of global shift in the 1980s Planet Earth experienced a global climate shift in the late 1980s on an unprecedented scale, fuelled [...]
21.12.2015 Satellites Find Sustainable Energy in Cities KIT Researchers Identify Underground Heat Islands from Surface Temperature and Building Density. Diese Meldung teilen [...]
20.12.2015 Study finds there is less knowledge about global species diversity than previously assumed Many of the previous studies on global species diversity are inaccurate. Diese Meldung teilen [...]
11.12.2015 Cold, hot or dry: Persistent weather extremes associated with decreased storm activity A decrease in storm activity over large parts of the US, Europe, Russia, and China is [...]
09.12.2015 New approaches for hybrid solar cells Nanostructured germanium for portable photovoltaics and battery electrodes. Diese Meldung teilen [...]
09.12.2015 Maximum observed earthquake magnitudes along continental transform faults A team of scientists from the GFZ German Centre for Geosciences in collaboration with the University [...]
07.12.2015 Eastern Mediterranean Earthquake Risk Revisited The number of earthquake and tsunami sources in the Eastern Mediterranean is considerably higher than assumed [...]
04.12.2015 Photovoltaic systems that adapt to the climate In Infinity, an Austrian lead project, researchers are working on a new generation of photovoltaic systems. [...]
03.12.2015 Photovoltaik-Institut Berlin verifies impact of cleaning robots Significant yield losses caused by sand and fine dust. Diese Meldung teilen [...]
26.11.2015 Tandem solar cells are simply better Stacking two solar cells one over the other has advantages: Because the energy is “harvested” in [...]
26.11.2015 Innovative Photovoltaics – from the Lab to the Façade Fraunhofer ISE Demonstrates New Cell and Module Technologies on its Outer Building Façade. Diese Meldung teilen [...]
23.11.2015 Plastic-eating worms may offer solution to mounting waste, Stanford researchers discover An ongoing study by Stanford engineers, in collaboration with researchers in China, shows that common mealworms [...]
22.11.2015 Bioplastic from waste fats and oils and lignocellulose First large-scale bioplastic production from non-edible biomass Diese Meldung teilen [...]
21.11.2015 Crack It! New Technology Produces Energy from a Fossil Fuel without Carbon Dioxide IASS and KIT develop a method to produce hydrogen from methane without carbon dioxide emissions. Diese [...]