Global solar thermal market down 7 per cent in 2023
The 2024 edition of Solar Heat Worldwide by the IEA SHC Programme underscores the resiliency
and changing landscape of solar heat. Notably, this year’s report includes a dedicated section
on PV Generated Heat (PGH), highlighting system concepts and installations. To illustrate some
of the report’s key data, we have developed a series of infographics. Both the report and
infographics are free to download at
While the major solar thermal markets have faced declines, the resilience of the technology shines
through as other markets steadily grow. As Lucio Mesquita, the Chair of the IEA SHC Programme,
notes, “This reaffirms the versatility and adaptability of the technology, signaling a promising future for
solar heat applications worldwide. Market growth from 2022 to 2023, for the first time, was not
dominated by European countries highlighting this shifting landscape.”

This shift is occurring not only in residential systems but also in large commercial systems. By the end
of 2023, 598 large-scale solar heat systems were in operation with a total installed capacity of 2.3 GWth,
corresponding to 3.3 million m2 of collectors.
- Solar Heat Worldwide report and infographics:
- IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA SHC):
- Federal Ministry for Climate Action of the Republic of Austria: