Utilities with a low public visibility by end costumers within the energy transition
A current survey of 1,000 private households in Germany shows the low activity of utilities regarding topics of energy transition. Only about one-seventh of all private households were actively addressed with energy transition topics.
Various analyses from EuPD Research show the high importance private end costumers attach to utilities as point-of-contact regarding energy transition topics. On this subject, the market and economic research company EuPD Research recently conducted a survey of 1,000 households. This analysis shows, that just every seventh household was actively addressed by their utility. “Utilities are not aware of their high importance within the energy transition”, states Dr. Martin Ammon, head of energy industries center at EuPD Research.
The fact, that the information requirements of private households regarding energy transition are much more distinct here than the availability of information, is documented by this recent analysis. 14% of the households addressed the utility by themselves in order to receive information about the energy transition. In particular, there is great interest regarding information concerning electricity. Two thirds of these requests refer to that topic. “The interest of private households regarding information about the energy transition is hardly surprising”, explained Ammon. “On the one side, private households are buyers of products and services of the energy transition; on the other side, they pay a large amount of these investments for an energetic future by way of their electricity bill.” Within the energy transition, utilities represent an indispensable link to private households.
For the first time, in 2017 EuPD Research will conduct a Germany-wide analysis „Utilities within the energy transition“. The presentation of research results, as well as the award for the best utilities in Germany, will take place on 1 June 2017 in the course of Intersolar Europe. Intersolar Europe, DCTI German CleanTech Institut and EuPD Research are the initiators of this award.
EuPD Research – Hoehner Research & Consulting Group GmbH 2017