Fit for the future: Science academies present options for resilient, digitized energy system
A reliable energy supply is the basis of our daily lives, from the ringing of the cell phone alarm clock in the morning to the illuminated apartment in the evening. Not to mention industrial processes or the maintenance of critical infrastructures. In three new position papers, Akademienprojekt ESYS – Energiesysteme der Zukunft (Energy Systems of the Future) presents policy options to ensure that today’s high level of supply security is maintained in the future.
The resilience of digitalised energy systems
Over the next two decades, the energy transition and the growth of digitalisation will result in new risks to the electricity supply. A resilience strategy will be required to manage these risks and reliably prevent blackouts and their damaging impacts on society. The “Resilience of digitalised energy systems” working group of the Academies’ Project “Energy Systems of the Future” has identified points as the key pillars of any such strategy.
Grid Congestion as a Challenge for the Electricity System. Options for a Future Market Design
The energy transition and the European Energy Union are placing new requirements on electricity grids. Any ongoing grid congestion may well cause high costs and additional risks to grid stability, which can be countered by adjusting the market design. This position paper sets out five policy options.
Pricing Carbon, Reforming Energy Prices. Pathways to a Cross-sectoral Market Design
How should the market be designed to enable efficient climate protection in Germany and drive sector coupling forward? A comprehensive carbon pricing scheme and a reform of taxes, duties and surcharges are key components. This position paper categorises the decisions from the Climate Action Plan 2030 and sets out options for how revenue from carbon pricing can be put to use to achieve a double dividend for climate protection.