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Simple, durable and affordable floating solar PV-Platforms

Our innovative floating solar platform Hydrelio© allows standard PV panels to be installed on large bodies of water such as drinking water reservoirs, quarry lakes, irrigation canals or remediation and tailing ponds.

A simple and affordable alternative to ground-mount solar systems, or our floating solar platform Hydrelio© is particularly well suitable for energy and water-intensive industries who cannot afford to waste either land or water.  Wineries, dairy farms, fish farms, mining companies, wastewater treatment plants, irrigation districts and water agencies are all examples of organizations who benefit from the synergy that our system creates between sun and water.

Thanks to the cooling effect of water on PV panels, our systems produce more energy than land-based systems of a similar size. By shielding the water from the sun’s heat, our platforms also reduce water evaporation, increasing your return on investment.

Our innovative floating solar technology Hydrelio© has been put to the test and has a 30-year lifetime. Since February 2011, we have been operating a pilote project in the south of France to come up with a simple and efficient design that is both affordable and performant. We are now developing a 12 MW and a 4 MW floating solar system (building permits granted) that will power thousands of households in the south of France without taking up any valuable land. Three other floating solar projects representing a total of 31MW  are under permit review in France.

Check out the complete list of benefits our floating solar technology Hydrelio© delivers to our clients and contact us today to discuss your floating solar system needs.


Ciel et Terre International 2014

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