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Solar electricity net generation in the USA reached 38,459 million kWh

According to the latest figures of the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) solar electricity net generation of small-scale PV facilities (less than 1 MW) connected to the electric power grid was 13,553 million kWh between January and August this year (compared to 2015: 9,716 million kWh; 2014: 7,664 million kWh).

Utility-scale solar net generation (PV and solar thermal electricity) at facilities with a capacity of 1 MW or more was 24,906 million kWh during the first 8 month 2016 (2015: 18,566 million kWh; 2014: 11,730 million kWh). 

Total solar electricity net generation was 38,459 million kWh, compared to 28,282 million kWh in 2015 and 19,394 million kWh in 2014.

Total electricity net generation (all sectors) in the USA reached about 2,775,540 million kWh from January to August 2016.



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