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World Wind Energy Conference 2015 Resolution

The World Wind Energy Association and the Israeli Wind Energy Association welcome the presence of those 340 participants from over 30 countries attending this Conference, from wind and all other renewable energy technologies.

The Conference covered all aspects of wind utilisation, related policies, manufacturing, development, operation as well as economic and social issues, with a special focus on the role that distributed wind power can play to accelerate the deployment of wind power in the world.

The Conference appreciates the support of the governments and governmental as well as non-governmental organisations, especially the Israeli Government and ministries, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs & Energy, IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Alliance, REN21, the Global100%RE campaign, the World Future Council, and all organisations and individuals enhancing the Conference.

The Conference recognizes that Israel is currently heavily dependent on fossil fuel combustion. The Conference applauds the Israeli government for its 17 % renewable energy target for 2030 and encourages the Israeli government to take further steps to achieve it and in due course go beyond it. The conference noted the available wind resource in Israel and encourages the government to include 3 GW of the proposed energy coming from wind energy as a mid-term target. The Conference is pleased to note that the first new wind farm in Israel in 25 years will start operation in the coming days.

The Conference appreciates the visit of the German all party Parliamentary delegation to the event and is particularly encouraged by the very positive attitude to the future of renewables and the commitment to provide continuing support to the Energiewende – the transition towards renewable energy – in Germany and beyond.

The Conference encourages the Government of Israel and of all MENA countries and beyond, to remove the barriers to renewable energy use in the region and develop a comprehensive long-term strategy that includes distributed wind power as well as local integration of renewable energies as key components. By allocating sufficient energy and thereby providing security of supply to all citizens, renewable energies have the potential of contributing to the long-term stability and peace in the region.

The Conference applauds the scientifically substantiated statements made that a 100 % renewable energy supply can be reached worldwide in the foreseeable future and is already a reality in some parts of the world. The Conference encourages all renewable energy stakeholders to join the Global 100% Renewable Energy Campaign, to seriously consider new approaches going beyond 100 % renewable energy and to work further on the remaining challenges and barriers on the way to a renewable energy future, with the steady phasing out of non-renewable sources.

The Conference applauds the World Wind Energy Award 2015 to the Mali Folkecenter Nyetaa for its role as a pioneer of renewable energy in Africa and worldwide, and in particular with regard to rural electrification and all that can bring to the people of the African continent.

In addition the Conference supports the following objectives, policies and actions, some of them having been presented at previous WWECs:

  1. Remove gradually all energy subsidies and introduce the internalisation of all externalities to achieve a level playing field;
  2. Continue the development of compensatory regulatory frameworks which provide sufficient investment incentives for all types of investors and include incentives for integrated renewable power supply;
  3. Focus on the integration of wind power into existing power systems also on the local and community level, create smart grids and enhance decentralised synergies between the various renewable energy solutions in order to achieve an integrated 100 % renewable energy supply in the foreseeable future;
  4. Intensify the close cooperation with IRENA on the implementation of its work programme and contribute to its further refinement;
  5. Raise the political and social awareness on all levels of society and in particular amongst local communities and enable them to obtain access to the necessary knowledge and technologies;
  6. Create a stronger focus on community power and distributed energy supply within the existing governmental, international, education, research and financial institutions;
  7. Reduce overall costs for energy supply by increasing the share of renewable energy power and by a stronger focus on least-cost decentralised options for 100 % renewable energy;
  8. Develop and expand national, regional and international financing mechanisms for renewable energy, especially making use of funds provided as part of the international climate change negotiations, and further to ensure that the Global Green Climate Fund gives priority to renewable energy and community based projects;
  9. Support communities especially in developing countries in obtaining easier access to technology and finance;
  10. Encourage all wind energy stakeholders to participate in the next World Wind Energy Conference to be held in Tokyo in October 2016.

WWEA – World Wind Energy Association 2015

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