WWEA releases 2016 Half Year Figures for Wind Power
Germany, India and Brazil leading in market growth in H1 2016.
The worldwide wind capacity reached 456’486 MW by the end of June 2016, out of which 21’714 MW were added in the first six months of 2016. This increase is similar like in the first half of 2015, when 21,6 GW were added. All wind turbines installed worldwide by mid-2016 can generate around 4,7 % of the world’s electricity demand.
The global wind capacity grew by 5% within six months (after 5,8 % in the same period in 2015 and 5,6 % in 2014) and by 16,1 % on an annual basis (mid-2016 compared with mid-2015).
In the second half of 2016, an additional capacity of over 40 GW is expected to be erected worldwide, which would bring new annual installations to at least 65 GW, adding just 1,5 GW more than in the previous year. The total installed wind capacity is expected to reach 500 GW by the end of 2016.
Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General:
“Wind power shows robust growth also in the year 2016, and the good news is especially that we can see strong markets now also in Latin America and in Africa. With the expected 500 GW installed wind capacity by end of this year, wind power will contribute 5 % to the global power supply. A major reason of concern is, however, the global trend towards auctions which is endangering the driving role of small and medium sized players. It has already slowed down most of the European markets, so that Europe has already lost its long-term leadership to Asia.