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What will 2024 bring us?

Every new year, there are surveys about expectations for the coming year. At the end of 2023, the sunny side noticed two surveys with very different results. They could hardly be more different.

The Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen (Foundation for Future Studies) determined these results “representatively among 2,000 German citizens”:

  • Skepticism about the future doubles in a 10-year comparison
  • Fear of an economic downturn is high
  • Disenchantment with politics reaches historic high

According to a study by futurologist Hans Opaschowski and the Ipsos Institute, we Germans are much more optimistic: almost half of us (46%) are very confident about 2024. In the previous year, this was only a third (35%). Almost two thirds support the statement: “Most Germans are doing well personally, even if the public perception is one of great dissatisfaction” (64%).

Now decide for yourself whether you think the glass is “half full” or “half empty”.

In its Christmas editorial, DER SPIEGEL describes a whole series of “good news” from the past year:

  • The World Climate Conference in Dubai “agreed for the first time to move away from burning fossil fuels.
  • A new UN agreement to protect the oceans sets environmental standards for international waters. In Germany, the share of renewable electricity has risen to over 50 percent for the first time.
  • Compared to 2019, only half as many people have taken a domestic flight.
  • Public transport is booming thanks to the Deutschlandticket …
  • The number of divorces has been falling steadily for years.
  • Catholic homosexual couples can now also be blessed by the priest” – etc.

Editor-in-chief Stefan Kuzmany also sees opportunities in the conflicts, which SPIEGEL also describes: “They open our eyes to how well we are still doing in Germany and Europe, which must be important for us to preserve. And that is good news.” However, many compatriots are demanding reforms from politicians, but nothing is supposed to change. That can’t work.

One thing is certain: the future is – as always – ope

Dante Alighieri already knew: “One waits until the times change, the other seizes them and acts.” We should always have the confidence to help shape the future. Despairing about the many crises, wars, climate change and conflicts helps no one. What is important is that we can and want to imagine a better future despite the many problems. 2023 was not a good year. But 2024 can be a better one. That depends on our own attitude towards the future. This applies in our private lives, but also professionally, socially and politically. Less conflict, hatred and mistrust and more trust and empathy would be a good program for 2024.

We at the “Sonnenseite” send you sunny greetings for the new year and wish you lots of external and internal sunshine.


Franz Alt 2023 | Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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