Demand an Investigation
ExxonMobil, one of America’s biggest fracking companies, is now trying to push for hydraulic fracturing projects in Europe, which will speed up climate change and expose us to its lethal consequences.
What’s more, ExxonMobil has withheld information about its contribution to climate change. All eyes are now on recent reports showing that since the 1980s, ExxonMobil’s own researchers knew that extracting and consuming fossil fuels causes climate change, which is directly linked to the devastating environmental and social impacts we are forced to deal with today.
Despite what it knew, ExxonMobil has spent US$31 million since 1998 to fund climate-denier think tanks and politicians, while keeping its research out of the hands of the concerned public.
Also in Europe, the fossil giant is trying to play cat and mouse with investors, shareholders, the climate and public health.
Furthermore, ExxonMobil doesn’t show the required liability for a company that has earned a fortune by actively fuelling climate change. At the same time, municipalities and regions throughout Europe have to face the amplified threat of climate change and need to spend billions to cover the damages. But instead of acknowledging its wrongdoing, ExxonMobil pushes for fracking projects in Europe that will cause even more methane emissions.
Add your voice to the letter that Food & Water Europe will present at the EU-Parliament’s Petition Committee asking them to take measures against ExxonMobil!