“The future of humanity is at stake. Action cannot be optional”: UN Secretary-General at COP29
The Taskforce on Net Zero Policy – an initiative to take forward key elements of the UN Secretary General’s High Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities (HLEG) – has today published its inaugural report, taking stock of the global policy environment governing the net zero activities of large corporates and financial institutions.
The report, Net Zero Policy Matters, found encouraging signs. Progress on net zero policy is advancing at pace in a significant number of regions around the world. However, the policy landscape is still insufficiently aligned with a 1.5°c future, consistent with ongoing global misalignment with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Speaking at the Integrity Matters stocktake this morning, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres urged delegates to move from voluntary pledges to mandatory rules.
“The future of humanity is at stake. Action cannot be optional,” he said. “Disclosing credible transition plans, that align with 1.5 degrees must be mandatory for corporates and financial institutions.”