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100 per cent renewables are achievable

The board members of the „Global 100 % Renewable Energy Platform“, which was founded in 2014, have set themselves the goal of organising the global solar revolution as quickly as possible.

When it was founded, this goal was still controversial among many energy experts. Today, however, this goal is recognised worldwide – from the local to the global level. This is also a major achievement of this platform.

This is how the five members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee assess the opportunities for the solar world revolution:

  • Stefan Gsänger (World Wind Energy Association, WWEA): ‘For us, the Global Platform for 100% Renewable Energy has become a key player and alliance that brings together the global vanguard of the energy transition and sets out a long-term vision for the world well beyond 2030. We need such a broad and ambitious alliance that focuses on bottom-up approaches and puts the benefits for people and communities at the centre of the transformation.”
  • Tetsu lida (Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies): “In the ten years since the Global100RE platform was launched, the world has changed dramatically. Renewable energy has evolved from a niche market to a mainstream market that will play a central role in tackling the climate crisis and ensuring energy security. In addition, the goal of achieving 100% renewable energy has evolved from a distant vision to a tangible reality. We are confident that this platform will continue to evolve and contribute to this exciting new chapter.”
  • Janet Milongo, (CAN International, Kenia) : “The Global 100% RE Platform plays a key role in fostering collaboration between non-state actors to keep 100% renewable energy at the top of the global agenda and promote a fully financed, just and equitable transition to 100% renewable energy worldwide that delivers a truly people-centred, flexible, affordable and sustainable energy system of the future.”
  • Dave Renne (Internationale Gesellschaft für Solarenergie ISES, Freiburg): “The International Solar Energy Society’s vision is a world made up of 100% renewable energy, used efficiently and wisely. I have found the platform to be a strong partner in communicating how such a goal can be achieved economically and equitably.
  • Maryke van Staden (Local Governments for Sustainability, ICLEI, Bonn): The ICLEI network of local and regional governments and our experts are passionate about sustainable development. We are committed to secure and affordable energy, i.e. a transition to 100% renewable energy… This exciting business model will not only have a positive impact on climate change and resilient infrastructure, but will also ensure sustainable socio-economic development that supports a people-centred approach at a time when a just and inclusive transition is essential. ICLEI manages the global network of 100% renewable cities and regions, supporting those who want to accelerate their green transition.”

If you think through these five statements from the representatives of a 100 per cent energy transition, who are blessed with a wealth of experience in renewable energies, you can no longer doubt the solar world revolution. Then it is clear: the solar age is beginning – the sun is winning.

On the occasion of World Renewable Day 2024, on 22 June, the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform (100REP) declared:

“In light of the escalating climate crisis, it is more urgent than ever to fully transition the world’s energy supply to renewable energy as soon as possible. Planet Earth cannot cope with any more greenhouse gas emissions as the climate crisis is already a reality.

The transition from a centralised, nuclear and fossil fuel-based energy system to a renewable energy supply offers a unique opportunity to redress global social inequalities by redistributing a large part of the global economy from the few to the many. The sun and the wind belong to everyone. A decentralised renewable energy system, built from the bottom up, can provide access to energy and energy security for all”.

The global tripling of renewable energies by 2030, agreed at the 2023 World Climate Summit in Dubai, is an important goal, but can only be an intermediate step on the way to a 100% supply of renewable energies, which must be achieved in the next decade.

Energy and climate policy must not favour large investors, but must ensure the equal participation of all citizens around the world. The world must provide the financial resources required for this global change. In this way, the Paris target of no more than 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times can be achieved.

To facilitate this change, we need special financial facilities that support the change and in particular promote local investments and local investors in the so-called developing countries – and in particular communities, households, municipalities, cooperatives, small farmers, etc.

Global100REP therefore calls for a Global Renewable Energy Fund “focussed on building and financing the renewable energy system from the bottom up. Global100REP calls on the global renewable energy community to define the basic structures of such a fund, which must be based on the principles of equity, participation and inclusiveness to ensure that no one is left behind, whether in urban or rural areas, and that marginalised communities can also benefit fully.”

The Gospel of the Sun is the Good News of the 21st Century.


FRANZ ALT 2024 | Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator 

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