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rug.nl | Ocean Grazer

© rug.nl | rug.nl | Ocean Grazer | Full (left) and discharged (right) battery on the seabed.

Ocean Grazer solves the world’s energy storage problem

At CES 2022, Ocean Grazer launches their CES Innovation Award winning solution Ocean Battery. With this system the Dutch Water Engineers will fundamentally change the sustainable energy landscape. No one has resolved the global energy storage problem in a scalable, reliable, and affordable the way – up till now!

Ocean Grazer offers a brilliant yet simple solution, based on existing technology, enhancing marine life along the way. Introducing: the Dutch engineers who solved one of the biggest hurdles towards a sustainable future.

The Ocean Battery is an energy storage solution for offshore wind farms installed at the seabed at the source of power generation. It provides utilities storage capacity that is infinitly scalable to Giga Watt hours scale. It is efficient, has low maintenance costs and is designed with a sustainable planet in mind and enhances marine life.

High tech without rocket science

The Ocean Battery is the iPhone van de e-industrie: it is based on smart integration of proven high-tech solutions. The production of the Ocean Battery does not require any rocket science and the production can be scaled up today.

Intermittent power production

The transition towards renewable power generation is huge challenge. Power production soon will be dictated by the weather conditions and no longer will be available on demand. Peaks in renewable power production is resulting already in negative energy prices and potentially even blackouts. To ensure that the lights remain on large scale energy buffering is essential. The fast-growing offshore wind power production results in an exponential demand for large scale energy storage that soon exceeds 200 B$. Ocean Grazer steps into this opportunity and delivers the solution the utility market is already waiting for a long time.


Ocean Grazer 2022

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