30.12.2016 Urbanization to convert 300,000 km² of prime croplands MCC researchers show: Urbanization eats up most fertile farmland—in this article, you can interactively experience the [...]
24.12.2016 Helping pays off: People who care for others live longer Older people who help and support others live longer. These are the findings of a study [...]
22.12.2016 Energy hybrid: Battery meets super capacitor Researchers from the universities of Montpellier, Bordeaux and TU Graz demonstrate in Nature Materials that it [...]
18.12.2016 Large amounts of meltwater on the East Antarctic ice shelf The East Antarctic ice shelves may be more vulnerable to climate change than previously assumed. Diese [...]
16.12.2016 Fraunhofer ISE Develops SmartCalc.CTM New Software Analyzes Power Losses in the Production of Solar Modules Diese Meldung teilen [...]
09.12.2016 Ultrathin protective layer brings quite a bit more stability to perovskite solar cell The addition of a few nanometers of a thin layer of aluminum oxide protects a perovskite [...]
08.12.2016 Silicon solar cell of ISFH yields 25% efficiency with passivating POLO contacts The Lower Saxon‘ Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) achieved a solar cell efficiency of [...]
06.12.2016 Open source planning tool for the energy turnaround: platform for electric power grids How much electricity flows through the grid? When and where? Where are the bottlenecks? What happens [...]
06.12.2016 Trendy solar cells hit new world efficiency record They’re flexible, cheap to produce and simple to make – which is why perovskites are the [...]
25.11.2016 Antarctic explorers help make discovery – 100 years after their epic adventures Heroes of Antarctic exploration have played a crucial role in research that suggests the area of [...]
19.11.2016 Engineering a More Efficient System for Harnessing Carbon Dioxide Despite the vast diversity of organisms on the planet that express enzymes for the conversion of [...]
18.11.2016 Warm Periods not always the same New findings about water characteristics in the Nordic Seas during interglacials published. Diese Meldung teilen [...]
16.11.2016 Thawing ice makes the Alps grow The Alps are steadily “growing” by about one to two millimeters per year. Diese Meldung teilen [...]
11.11.2016 30.2 Percent Efficiency – New Record for Silicon-based Multi-junction Solar Cell Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE together with the Austrian company EV [...]
08.11.2016 “Sweedhart”: Do not fight weeds but use them as biomass For western societies, access to foodstuffs is possible without a problem – but is it also [...]
04.11.2016 Quantifying the individual contribution to Arctic sea-ice melt For each ton of carbon dioxide (CO₂) that any person on our planet emits, 3 m² [...]